Michael Foucault’s concept of power is interesting. In Brenda Allen’s book, “Difference Matters”,
she relays Foucault’s term, “Relations of power” (Allen, 2011, p.25). This implies that power is derived through
and defined by interpersonal networks. Foucault
further wrote that, “We define our relationships and how we should behave in
relation to each other in terms of power differences and similarities” (p.25).
Gabriele Muccino’s film, “The Pursuit of Happyness” was
inspired by the life story of Christopher Gardner, a homeless single father whose
intelligence, likability, and perseverance lead him to become a CEO at a prominent
financial institution. It was also these
attributes that were the foundation of Gardner’s network that he builds
throughout the movie. This network
becomes his “relations of power” which, ultimately, leads to his success
story. This powerful movie has many
great quotes, of which one of my favorites is: “You got a dream, you gotta
protect it. People can't do something
themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period” (Muccino, “The Pursuit of Happyness”).
Allen, B. (2011). Difference
matters: Communicating social identity (2nd ed.). Long Grove, Ill.: Waveland Press.
The Pursuit of
Happyness [Motion picture on DVD]. (2006). USA: Overbrook Entertainment.