C3 Servant-Leadership Philosophy
in Training
The term “servant-leader” does not denote leaders that are submissive in nature or those that prescribe
to a manner of self-servitude. A speaker
for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, once stated “Servant-hood, humility…those aren’t
things where you think less of yourself.
They are things that you think of yourself less. You don’t always have yourself on your mind;
you have others on your mind. It’s not
that you think that you are terrible or you have low self-esteem. Servant-leadership means [that] you just
think of other people a whole lot more” (Bechler, 2014).
This essay is intended to briefly convey the leadership ideology
of the author as a servant-leader in training and does not explore several
major leadership functions as they would be beyond both scope and intent. Further, the essay to follow shall endeavor
to delineate a synopsis of the author’s C3 (Catalytic, Courageous,
and Contagious) leadership philosophy.
The first section describes what it is to be a catalyst as a
leader and how these leaders drive change in organizations. The next section outlines courageous leadership
as it pertains to ethics. Lastly, this
paper describes the author’s viewpoint of what it takes to be a contagious
a Catalyst
Servant-leaders in
training should strive to be catalysts. Catalytic
leaders are capable of precipitating meaningful change in an organization. Organizations unwilling to adapt to internal
and external forces risk underachieving stakeholder expectations and possible
collapse. However, change for the sake
of change should be avoided at all costs.
Meaningful change is a cultivated transformation that materializes as a
result of internal modifications (e.g. a new procedure put in place to achieve
better employee performance) or external forces such as government legislation
that directly affects an organization.
Catalytic leaders are
champions of positive, meaningful change.
They expedite change by mitigating risk, limiting distractions, and
endeavoring to eliminate bureaucratic processes whenever ethically
possible. Yukl (2001) defined several
behaviors that elucidate the methodology of influencing the conduct of
followers (p.312). These behaviors
an appealing vision
strong, expressive forms of communication when articulating the vision
personal risks and self-sacrifices to attain the vision
high expectations
optimism and confidence in followers
behaviors consistent with the vision
follower impressions of the leader
identification with the group or organization
followers (p.312)
Becoming a catalytic leader requires charisma and the ability to unite
both followers and senior leadership alike to support his or her cause.
However, positive
organizational change does not necessitate a position of executive leadership. There are several methods of enacting
positive change from even the lowest echelons of an organization.
One such method
involves forming a coalition of like-minded individuals within an
organization. This should not be
confused with unionizing. There is power
in numbers. Senior leadership may value
such a council as they often have a better view of the front-line. The other side of this equation is the
benefit to fellow employees. The
coalition would be valuable to them as a direct conduit from senior leadership
that serves as both a point of dissemination of change initiatives at the top
and as mitigation for the apprehension and fear of the unknown that often
accompanies change in an organization.
Servant-leaders in
training should have the courage and the redoubtable moral strength to “own up”
to their mistakes and should encourage subordinates to do the same. Courageous leaders follow an ethical compass
that is aligned with their own personal morality. Bill George noted that:
True North is the internal compass that guides you successfully through life. It represents who you are as a human being at your deepest level. It is your orienting point—your fixed point in a spinning world—that helps you stay on track as a leader. Your True North is based on what is most important to you, your most cherished values, your passions and motivations, the sources of satisfaction in your life (George, Geren, & Sims, 2007).
These leaders find the courage to speak up and to speak out when
others insist on maintaining the status quo and not “rocking the boat”.
Courageous leaders are
able to accept constructive criticism about their performance in order to
improve in their role. These leaders
seek out the opinions of their followers to better serve them. They are communicators; they do not have an
“open-door policy”. An open door does
not in and of itself mean that an employee will use it. Rather, these leaders prefer to actively
engage with followers by visiting with them where the employees feel most
comfortable: in their own work spaces.
Visiting an employee’s cubicle or engaging in a dyadic conversation in
the break room will go much further in winning hearts and minds.
servant-leaders in training should be contagious. Leaders should model the way in which they
would like to see their subordinates conduct themselves. “Such leaders earn the respect and trust of
others; as a result, people are motivated and committed to following them”
(Kouzes & Posner, 1987, p.68).
A Marine Colonel once noted to his
subordinates in the defense contracting industry,
We work for the young trigger puller in the fighting hole…for that 18 year old in the trench that is scared to death that he might not make it home. They are why we do what we do…for men and women such as this – they deserve the best we have to offer (Col. Peter James, United States Marine Corps Forces, Pacific Experimentation Center, personal communication, August 21, 2013).
Leaders should inspire employees and promote a clear sense of how
their work affects corporate image and financials as well as customer
satisfaction. Depending on one’s
industry, this can have a great effect on employee and product output effectiveness.
In order to be
contagious, servant-leaders in training should also distinguish the methodology
in which they project their power. Power,
as a derivative of influence and persuasion, can be interpreted as either
persuasive or coercive.
Persuasive power creates opportunities and alternatives so individuals can choose and build autonomy. Coercive Power is used to get people to travel a predetermined path. The servant-leader practices persuasive power and walks a fine line in most people’s minds. This is a wise and useful insight, but in practice it is, for many, a bit like trying to grab a handful of smoke (Spears, Lawrence, & Showkeir, 2002, p.153).
Disseminating an idea, message, or
plan must be done tactfully. The
employment of persuasive power allows followers and fellow servant-leaders to
follow their own path while maintaining a common direction.
Servant-Leaders lives, loves, and leads by conscience—the
inward moral sense of what is right and what is wrong” (Sipe & Frick,
2009, p.17). Servant-leaders in training should maintain a
reputation for probity in their profession.
Leaders that follow the C3 philosophy of
leadership are catalytic. They fan the flames of change in an
organization by garnering follower and senior management support and by cutting
through red tape. They are also
courageous. Courageous leaders have a
strong sense of what is right and have the valor to excel in the face of
complacency. Finally, C3 leaders
are contagious. These leaders are
viral. They are capable of motivating followers
to share their values and ignite a passion that drives their corporate culture.
George, B., Geren, D, and Sims, P. (2007). True north: Discover your authentic leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Kouzes, J. M., and Posner, B.Z. (1987). The leadership challenge. 3rd ed. California: Jossey Bass Inc.
Sipe, J. W., and Frick, D. M. (2009). Seven pillars of servant leadership: practicing the wisdom of leading by serving. New York: Paulist Press.
Spears, L. C., Lawrence, M., & Showkeir, J. D. (2002). Focus on leadership: servant-leadership for the twenty-first century. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
Yukl, G. (2001). Leadership in organizations. Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bechler, J. (2014). National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Champions of Character: Servant Leadership. YouTube. Retrieved February 26, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MSG22HzXfQ
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