by Jody South
I am always interested to hear from others about books that have either changed their lives or inspired them. I recently read "The Journey To The East" by Herman Hesse. I can see how this short book inspired Robert Greenleaf to write about servant leadership. Throughout the book, H.H. speaks of giving his life meaning (p.62, etc.). Leo, played an essential role in the development of H.H. To illustrate, on Page 34, Leo reminds H.H. of The League's Law of Service which states, "He who wishes to live long must serve, but he who wishes to rule does not live long." to which H.H. replies, "Then why do so many strive to rule?"...Leo: "Because they do not understand. There are few who are born to be masters; they remain happy and healthy. But all the others who have only become masters through endeavor, end in nothing."
It was interesting so follow the parabola of H.H's life from his adventures with The League through his deep depression derived from Leo leaving the his eventual reconciliation with his order. This self-transcendence allowed him to once again consider himself as an integral part of the universe.
Cited: Hesse, H., & Rosner, H. (2003). The journey to the East. New York: Picador.
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